Twitter count as of today:
Following: 5
Followers: 60
A few weeks ago, those were 127 and over 400 respectively. I spent a great deal of time deleting the ones I really had no interest in or -- even worse -- had no clue who they even were. Which brings up a question or two. Between Twitter and a host of "social networking" sites, how much of the effort I put forth and the time I spend is actually making my life better?
Am I investing time that would have been more wisely and fruitfully invested in real, face-to-face relationships with people I actually know? I'm not saying that social networking in and of itself is a bad thing. It's the way a lot of ideas get shared, work gets discusses, and families and (real) friends stay better connected.
But how much is TOO much?
And are interactions of the "social networking" variety often so vastly different than real face-to-face interactions that we are losing some of our interpersonal skills?
I believe we often let these social networking tools and site become "social handicaps," not only altering the ways we talk to one another and interact in terms of basic courtesies, but also taking time and attention away from the relationships that most profoundly affect our lives. I am referring to our relationships with our spouses, children, family, friends, and coworkers.
What are your opinions? If you agree, have you taken any steps toward changing the situation for the better?
The floor is open to any and all. What say you?
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
Shifting Focus -- Slightly
I have recently found myself engaged in numerous conversations regarding how we might be letting all the tools and technology that were supposed to make our lives better actually get in the way of our relationships and priorities. I don't claim to know all the answers, or even all the right questions to ask. But as of today, I am shifting the focus of this blog -- in a way -- more heavily toward discussions on such topics.
It is my sincere hope that we can strike up some useful dialog and share thoughts on things we can actually DO, steps we can take, changes we can implement in order to better focus on the things that really matter to us in life.
We all talk about relationships, time management, goal setting, balance... tons of terms and topics that are all interrelated in one fundamental way:
All of these issues boil down to SELF-LEADERSHIP.
We complain about all the things that are getting in the way of what we really wish we were doing and achieving in our lives, our relationships, and our work. So let's put our thoughts out on the table. And let's go one step farther: let's share ideas and experiences with a simple question in mind: "What can we DO about it?"
It starts with each of us taking control of ourselves. We can't blame it on anything else. Not the technology. Not the weather. Not other people. It starts inside ourselves. So, tell us what you are doing to lead yourself to a better life. And I'll humbly share my ideas, successes, and even my failures, too.
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It is my sincere hope that we can strike up some useful dialog and share thoughts on things we can actually DO, steps we can take, changes we can implement in order to better focus on the things that really matter to us in life.
We all talk about relationships, time management, goal setting, balance... tons of terms and topics that are all interrelated in one fundamental way:
All of these issues boil down to SELF-LEADERSHIP.
We complain about all the things that are getting in the way of what we really wish we were doing and achieving in our lives, our relationships, and our work. So let's put our thoughts out on the table. And let's go one step farther: let's share ideas and experiences with a simple question in mind: "What can we DO about it?"
It starts with each of us taking control of ourselves. We can't blame it on anything else. Not the technology. Not the weather. Not other people. It starts inside ourselves. So, tell us what you are doing to lead yourself to a better life. And I'll humbly share my ideas, successes, and even my failures, too.
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