Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Get Your Foot Off the Brake -- July 29, 2009

Do you ever drive your car with one foot pressing the gas pedal while the other foot is pressing down on the brake pedal? Of course you don't do that. It would be patently foolish. Not only would it wear out your nerves, your legs, your engine, and your brakes -- it would most likely keep you from getting anywhere at all.

So, are you doing that in life? In your work?

Quite often, the major hindrance to achieving that exciting and worthy objective we have in mind is not interference by other people or environmental, situational, or financial hurdles -- it's the limitations we place on ourselves. Consciously, or perhaps subconsciously, we indulge thoughts such as "Well, nothing ever really works out like I want it to, so this won't turn out any different." By doing so, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy and, sure enough... we go nowhere. Another disappointment to use as our own evidence to further bog down our thinking, motivation, and inspiration for the next goal that we won't push to achieve.

Listen to your own thoughts. Ask yourself "What would I achieve if I knew I absolutely could not fail?" Don't interrupt your answer to that question with "BUT, I always fail..." thoughts.

John Maxwell put it this way: "Many intelligent adults are restrained in thoughts, actions, and results. They never move further than the boundaries of their self-imposed limitations."

Starting today, take your foot off the brake of your life, your work, and your relationships. Not only will the destination be worth the trip, but the scenery and events along the way will add meaning and memories to the journey.

I trust you are having an Excellent week!
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